Friday, January 3, 2014

Recipe at home as quickly to remove dark circles

Cucumber slices

Surely you've seen in movies or on TV when the stars go to the spa, I placed a few slices of cucumber on the eyes, well you can also do this procedure at home without paying fortunes in a spa.
All you have to do is wash a fresh cucumber and cut him some very thin slices. Lie on the bed, to prevent the slices from your eyes fall out, and place them carefully on that touch the skin as possible.
Leave them for a period of 15-20 minutes, you can set an alarm if you want to alert you when the specified time has passed. Ideally, repeat this procedure daily with fresh slices every time, for a minimum period of two weeks, or until dark circles disappear.

As this is also normal with rosto tired skin, cucumber is ideal to help firm the skin.
HOW TO PREPARE: I use half a cucumber in the blender with a little cold water, triturated well, and the skin clean rosto put across skin rosto with a brush and leave it on for about 20 minutes, retreat with plenty of water then apply my favorite soap to remove fine, and then apply the moisturizer. THIS PROCESS IS IMPORTANT TO ALWAYS BE WELL WITH COLD WATER.

Tea Bags

 When you relax on your bed before sleeping place the  tea bags on your eyes  as an always use cold compresses, combined with the properties of tea stains will become clearer and Des-inflamanations the area in a few days. It you want to relax the area feels very tired eyes using chamomile recommend.

You might not be very pleasant, but wash your sinuses with a saline solution every night before bed will prevent your nostrils become congested and can not breathe freely, which causes obviously you can not rest well and consequently display the circles .