Saturday, January 30, 2016

11 stages of love in arabic.

11 stages of love in arabic.

1. الْهَوَى (hawa) = Attraction

The beginning of love. This love can arise suddenly, but is transient, not yet firm in the heart.

2. الْعَلاقَةُ (‘alaqah) = Attachment
Love that becomes attached to the heart, and loses the transitory property ofhawa.

3. الْكَلَفُ (kalaf) = Infatuation
Love that begins to intensify and have a physical affect on the lover.

4. الْعِشْقُ (‘ishq) = Desire
 Love that engulfs the heart of the lover entirely, and takes it as its residence, such that love and the heart in which it resides become intimately familiar with one-another.
 This love blinds the lover to any faults in the beloved.

5. الشّعَفُ / اللَّوْعَةُ / اللعَاج (sha’aflaw’ahli’aj) = Passion
 Love that starts to burn, but at this stage, the love is still pleasurable in the heart.

6. الشّغَفُ (shaghaf) = Affliction
Destructive, all-consuming love. The heart begins to be devoured by the love.

7. اَلْجَوَى (jawaa)= Grief
Love that started with the outer covering of the heart. It takes over the entire heart, and results in an inner grief and sorrow.

8. التّيْمُ (taym) = Enslavement

Love to the point where the heart is enslaved to the beloved.

9. التَّبْل (tabl) = Malady

Love, which was once living pleasurably in the heart, having made it its home, now turns against the heart, and so overwhelms, confounds and bewilders it, that it is as though it were its enemy.

10. التَّدْلِيْه (tadleeh) = Disorder

Love when the heart is thus being destroyed from within, and begins to lose all sense of balance and reason, it goes into a state of chaos and disorder.

11. الْهُيُوْمُ (huyum) = Insanity

Love that comes to its conclusion. 

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